Alie Habib Karambash

Artistic Statement

I am a love-oriented global citizen and a storyteller. I believe that theatre is an innate and powerful craft which we have inherited. I want to nurture empathy through my work by creating moments of discovery and inciting conversations of socio-political importance.

As a theatre artist I aim to catalyze a greater appreciation for the performing arts in my own community, including making our industry more accessible and artist-centric. 

I am a proud native to the Silver Spring area. My Father, a Lebanese-Sierra Leonean and my Mother, a Jamaican-American have raised me in a culture-rich environment which has greatly influenced my identity as a world citizen and as a pluralist in my faith and my craft. 

I began acting in high school and continued at Montgomery College's Theatre Arts program, earning my Associates before earning my Bachelor's at the University of Maryland, College Park in Theatre Performance. At these schools I fell in love with the craft of acting and grew a greater understanding and appreciation for theatre as a synthesis of art forms and a great mechanism for creating change in people's hearts. 

​When I’m not being a creative, I work as the Academy Registrar at Adventure Theatre and enjoy fostering a sense of community there. In my personal time, you can find me gardening, seeing a show, with my friends and family, or picking up a new hobby!

I am based in the DC area and am eager to continue growing as an artist. I look forward to making great theatre here in this vibrant, beautiful place I call home! :)))


Photo by Josh Hubbell